Pineapple And Ginger In The Fight Against Cellulite – Recipe

Pineapple is not only effective against fat. It consists of 85% water, which is why it gives us a feeling of fullness, without an unnecessary dose of calories.
Pineapple and ginger in the fight against cellulite - a recipe

Cellulite is the biggest aesthetic problem of many women around the world. It is estimated that it affects as much as 90% of women. It is about accumulated fat in certain parts of the body that forms a kind of lumps (orange peel) visible to the naked eye. However, you can fight it. One way is  pineapple  with some ginger.

It has been proven that it is not possible to completely eliminate cellulite because even if it disappears temporarily, it will most likely come back. Of course, we can stop it: with a proper diet, physical activity and cosmetic procedures.

These treatments are not the cheapest. In today’s article, we will share an effective alternative with you. Pineapple with the addition of ginger accelerates fat burning and improves the overall appearance of our skin.

Why pineapple and ginger?

Orange peel

Pineapple and ginger are a combination of products with a huge amount of antioxidants. They have a cleansing effect, effectively removing toxins and fluids retained in the body.  They strengthen the body and improve immunity.

The juice, the main ingredient of which is pineapple, accelerates the repair of damaged tissue that contributes to the formation of cellulite. Nay! Pineapple is rich in iron, magnesium, iodine, zinc, manganese, vitamin A, B vitamins. It is 85% water and very low in calories (55 kcal per 100 g).

Ginger, on the other hand, is full of antioxidants, has anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties. It is a perfect complement to pineapple.

How to prepare pineapple and ginger juice?

The juice below is a great support for our weight loss diet. By the way, it will take care of the general condition of our skin. The combination of both ingredients will give you a great cleansing drink.

Pineapple and ginger



  • 2 slices of pineapple
  • A tablespoon of grated ginger root (15 g)
  • A glass of water (200 ml)

A method of preparing

  • Step 1.  Cut two slices of pineapple and take out the middle of them.
  • Step 2.  Put them into the juicer.
  • Step 3.  Add a tablespoon of ginger and a glass of water.
  • Step 4.  We combine into a single drink. We drink right away.
Recipe for pineapple juice

It’s best to drink this juice first thing in the morning. This way, you will make the most of its cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Other properties of the juice

Although this juice is designed to fight cellulite, it does a great job in other aspects as well:

  • Helps you lose weight:  Pineapple and ginger accelerate weight loss due to the low caloric content and the presence of nutrients that stimulate the metabolism. Fiber and water are satiating and reduce the feeling of hunger.
  • Strengthens the immune system: Antioxidants, vitamins and minerals are a kind of “fuel” for our immune system and help prevent disease.
  • Natural anti-inflammatory drug: both pineapple and ginger have anti-inflammatory properties and are recommended for the treatment of ailments such as arthritis, rheumatic pain and colds.
  • Improves the metabolism: the fiber and enzymes present in our juice improve digestion, preventing intestinal problems and constipation.
  • Better blood circulation: due to their cleansing properties, pineapple and ginger support the circulatory system as they eliminate harmful substances that very often accumulate in the bloodstream.

Keep in mind that you will see the best results if you drink the juice every day, preferably on an empty stomach . Don’t forget that this is not a magic potion that brings an immediate change. Step by step, with a little patience, the results will come by themselves. Enjoy them!

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