Nails – Do You Know What They Say About Your Health?

Did you know that nails can signal problems with your health? Find out more about it!
Nails - do you know what they say about your health?

Although we sometimes do not pay attention to their condition and appearance, our nails can tell us a lot about our health. Have you ever looked at how exactly your nails look ? Are they strong and strong or are they brittle and brittle?

Perhaps they want to signal you that something disturbing is going on in your body. You probably lack some vitamins or are anemic and don’t even know it.

Learn to read the subtle signs your nails give you when something is happening to your health.

1. Dry and brittle nails

This problem can be caused by:

  • Thyroid disorders
  • Anemia
  • Tinea
Beautician does nails

If your nails suddenly become very dry and brittle, it could be due to anemia or thyroid problems. Unfortunately, natural oils will not help you get rid of this problem. You have to go for blood tests and check your iron levels as well as thyroid hormones.

Also pay attention to whether brittle nails are not accompanied by unreasonable weight loss. Many people are under the misconception that thyroid disorders always cause weight gain. It can also be quite the opposite.

Of course, in addition to thyroid problems, one of the causes of poor nail health may be ringworm, in which the nail plate is extremely fragile and brittle.

2. Discoloration on nails

If you have discoloration on your nails, the causes may be:

  • Tinea
  • Diabetes
  • Liver, kidney or lung disorders
  • Lymphedema

Any other colors on the nails are cause for concern. Here’s what they can mean.

  • Green = bacterial infection
  • Red streaks at the base of the nail = heart valve infection
  • Bluish = too little oxygen in the blood
  • Pale = vitamin deficiency
  • White = hepatitis or anemia
  • Dark streaks at the top of the nails = sign of aging or congestive heart failure
  • Dark lines under the nail plate = skin cancer

Remember these symptoms and check your nails regularly.

3. Cracked nails

If you dip your hands frequently in water, your nails will perpetually shift from moist to dry. This can lead to cracking or peeling over time.

The frequent insertion of fingernails in the mouth, which happens with nail biting people, also weakens the nail plate.

nails with white blooms

Try to learn to control this unhealthy and unsightly habit. And when you need to immerse your hands in water for a long time, wear protective gloves.

Cracked and flaky nails can also be a sign of a deficiency:

  • Folic acid
  • Vitamins C.
  • Proteins

If you notice any of these symptoms, start taking more vitamin C. You can, for example, eat an orange or a grapefruit once a day.

You’ll find a lot of folate in mangoes. It’s a good idea to introduce this fruit into your diet if you notice symptoms of a vitamin deficiency.

4. Thickened nails

Thick nails are not a problem as long as they are naturally colored and healthy looking. However, if your nails suddenly start to thicken even though they have not had any recent strengthening surgery, these changes could be a sign of lung disease.

If you notice a bump on your nails after starting treatment with a new drug, be sure to consult your physician. This could be a sign of an allergic reaction.

5. Nail dimples and grooves

Sometimes hands and nails get damaged due to physical work. Tiny dimples and grooves can be a natural result of using your hand.

However, if you protect your hands well, but still notice grooves on one or more nails, immediately pay attention to the condition of your hair and skin.

white spots on the nails

The cause of damaged nails, brittle hair and skin problems is a lack of vitamins and minerals. This problem can lead to psoriasis and hair loss, among other things.

All you have to do is change your eating habits a bit and introduce more vitamin-rich foods into your diet. You can also reach for vitamin supplements.

Watch your nails

As you can see, nails are not only a decoration and are not only used for painting with colored varnishes. When something disturbing happens in your body, they send you a message about it.

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