Skin Memory – Do You Know What It Is?

The memory of the skin is associated with an increased risk of its damage in the long term. The damage to the DNA of cells accumulates and is difficult to stop.
Skin memory - do you know what it is?

The skin’s memory  is real. This is not a poetic metaphor or the title of the novel. I am talking about a phenomenon that has been better and better researched by dermatologists. It is mainly related to exposure to the sun and the damage it causes.

The skin is one of the most extensive organs in the body. In total, it is two meters in diameter and weighs over 4 kilograms. It consists of three layers:

  • Subcutaneous tissue
  • Dermis
  • The epidermis

This organ acts as a body’s protection against external factors. Moreover, it plays an important role in our appearance as well as self-esteem. After all, when we look in the mirror, we mainly see the tissues that make up the skin.

Many people do not take into account the fact that the skin requires special attention and that it must be protected from certain dangers such as sun exposure. In this article, we explain what skin memory is all about.

Skin memory – what is it?

Skin memory is a strange phenomenon. It has nothing to do with the brain’s memory as commonly understood. The point is that  skin that has been overexposed to the sun is more likely to  suffer damage in the future.

In other words, a person who has been exposed to the sun a lot without adequate protection may experience skin changes over the years. They can be benign, precancerous or malignant.

Even if there are no sunburns when exposed to the sun, skin lesions cannot be avoided in the long run. This is the main reason why  it is recommended to use UV protection creams. The protection factor should be at least 30. The cream should be applied to all exposed parts of the body.

Sun exposure is harmful to the skin, which can lead to later neoplastic changes.

How does skin memory work?

Ultraviolet radiation of sunlight penetrates deep into the skin. We distinguish between UVB and UVA rays. The latter penetrate clouds and even glass panes and reach the dermis.

This type of radiation penetrates so deeply that it is associated with the processes of skin aging and the formation of discoloration. Moreover, it can  damage the DNA of cells  and cause mutations that lead to skin cancer.

UVB radiation is not able to penetrate so deeply into the skin and acts only at the level of the epidermis. So it is responsible for sunburn. However, it is also associated with the formation of skin cancer, so you should protect yourself against both types of radiation.

The skin’s memory is based on damaging the DNA of cells by radiation. Initially, these damages regenerate. Over time, however, they accumulate and rebuild is no longer possible. This is when the tumor appears.

Always protect your skin

The skin has the ability to regenerate to some extent, but the mutation cannot be stopped.  Cancer follows them.

The memory of the skin begins at birth. Early sun exposure without adequate protection further increases the risk of skin damage. Therefore, children should be especially protected during the hours when the sun’s radiation is at its strongest.

Moreover, we should be aware of the relationship between sun exposure and skin cancer. Light skin and eyes are a risk factor, but it doesn’t mean that the others are safe. Skin cancer is one of the most common.

Therefore,  we should always protect the skin. Moreover, it is recommended to avoid tanning beds. The appearance of skin lesions should not be a reason to ignore these tips.

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