Raw Spinach – 5 Health Benefits

Like many vegetables, spinach is full of beneficial vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. One of these compounds is lutein, a pigment found in many green leafy vegetables.
Raw spinach - 5 health benefits

Raw, fresh, frozen or processed spinach is available all year round. It is worth adding it to your daily diet, because it stands out from other vegetables.

We can eat it both raw and cooked. In this article, we will introduce you to the benefits of raw spinach and its consumption.

Raw or cooked spinach?

The benefits of spinach were known already in the times of ancient Persia, from which it probably comes. It is closer to us thanks to the French and Italians.

In the 16th century, Catherine of Medici, when she left Florence to marry the king of France, took her personal chefs with her to make her spinach the way she liked it best. Hence the well-known term for serving dishes on spinach, i.e.  in Florentine. 

The most important information

Spinach is full of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are great for our health. One of the most important compounds is lutein, a pigment found in many leafy green vegetables.

It is an antioxidant that  supports the immune system and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Other very important characteristics of spinach:

  • Raw spinach mainly consists of water.
  • It contains very little carbohydrate but is rich in protein.
  • It is very rich in vitamins and minerals, and at the same time is a very good source of omega 3 fatty acids.
  • It has the minerals necessary for health: calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.
  • It also exhibits vitamins A, C, E, K and B vitamins (including folic acid).

Raw spinach – why choose this form?

Lutein is broken down by heat. So, when cooked, spinach loses most of its nutritional value. Therefore, consume raw spinach if you want specific and health-promoting nutrients. This will be useful for improving the health of the cardiovascular system.

Raw spinach
  • In addition, scientists have noticed that lutein is reduced in various forms of cooking : both in water, steaming and frying. The phenomenon of loss of useful properties therefore occurs at different temperatures.
  • The highest amount of available lutein was found in raw spinach-based cocktails, especially those containing dairy products (which can be replaced by plant-based milk).
  • Cooked spinach showed lower amounts of lutein, especially with long processing.

So eating raw spinach helps you make better use of some of its main nutrients.

Raw spinach – more health benefits

  • In the case of spinach, eating it raw can be an excellent way to preserve its high vitamin C content.
  • Raw spinach also has fewer calories than cooked spinach and is most likely better at retaining folate, which is largely lost when cooked.

Another advantage of eating it raw is its multi-functionality, both in terms of taste and texture. We keep a crispy fresh texture, needed and liked in salads.

Health Benefits of Spinach

1. Spinach protects your brain

Several of the nutrients in spinach, such as potassium, folate, and various antioxidants provide neurological benefits to those who consume them regularly.

According to neuroscientists, folate reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Spinach is a very good choice for people at high risk of neuronal or cognitive disorders.

2. Regulates blood pressure

Spinach is high in potassium and low in sodium. This mineral composition is beneficial for patients with high blood pressure. Potassium helps regulate blood pressure, and sodium increases it.

Pressure test

Due to its potassium content, spinach helps in treating high blood pressure.

3. Raw spinach fights cancer

Spinach consists of several important components that have shown promise in the treatment and prevention of certain types of cancer. Certain ingredients in spinach, such as folate, tocopherol, and chlorophyllin, act as mechanisms to help fight this disease.

Studies have confirmed that spinach leaves have anti-cancer properties and protect against atherosclerosis. However, we debunk the myth of using it in anemia.

4. Strengthen your bones by eating spinach

In addition, other minerals available there, such as manganese, copper, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus, also help build strong bones This, in turn, can prevent the development of osteoporosis. These minerals are also essential for maintaining healthy teeth and nails.

What’s more! Potassium and B vitamins contained in spinach help to burn carbohydrates and fats and accelerate metabolism. So it works well in a slimming diet.

Another interesting relationship was observed by scientists from Louisiana: that spinach extract contains thylakoids. These are substances that prolong the feeling of fullness. This highlights its advantages during weight loss.

5. It will strengthen your muscles

The antioxidant component of spinach, known as coenzyme C0-Q10, plays an important role in strengthening the muscles. The heart muscle in particular benefits from this, as it constantly pumps blood to all parts of the body.

Unfortunately, just like the ingredients described above, coenzyme Q10 is sensitive to high temperatures and its content drops during cooking or baking.

What can you do? Prepare a salad of raw spinach with, for example, cooked broccoli and olive oil. There is a whole range of dishes that you can prepare using fresh spinach.


Nutritional values โ€‹โ€‹of spinach per 100 grams:

  • Energy value – 23 kcal
  • Carbohydrates – 3.6 g (including simple sugars 0.4)
  • Protein – 2.9 g
  • Fat – 0.4 g
  • Fiber – 2.2 g

Finally, we would like to remind you that raw spinach should be avoided by people suffering from arthritis, gout, bone inflammation and renal colic.

If you do not identify with any of these cases – enjoy spinach regularly, without any contraindications. Include it in your diet in all sorts of forms. However , the raw form is the most recommended . Do not forget about it.

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