Green Bananas – 6 Benefits You Did Not Know!

If you find unripe bananas in the store, don’t hesitate to put them in your basket!
Green bananas - 6 benefits you did not know!

Eating ripe, yellow bananas has a number of health benefits. But did you know that green bananas can help you control your weight and help you burn fat?

As surprising as it may seem, green bananas are very healthy.

Green bananas are one of the most valuable elements of a healthy, balanced diet.  Including them in your regular diet will allow you to enjoy a variety of health benefits!

These benefits include: losing excess pounds, controlling blood sugar levels, lowering cholesterol, and maintaining overall health. Moreover, the fresh, light taste of green bananas will give you variety in your diet!

You can eat green bananas in place of the yellow ones.

Green bananas: the most important properties

First of all, green bananas contain a large dose of fiber : as much as 3.6 grams per glass (150 grams). In addition, they are also a valuable resource for:

  • B vitamins
  • Minerals (calcium and magnesium)

Moreover, green bananas contain resistant starch. It is a type of dietary fiber that is not digested by enzymes. As a result, resistant starch starts fermentation processes thanks to bacteria whose presence is beneficial to our health.

After fermentation, resistant starch has the ability to improve the condition of the intestinal mucosa so that they can:

  • It is easier to absorb nutrients
  • Prevent invasive microorganisms from entering the bloodstream
  • Provide food for bacteria that regulate digestive health.

6 benefits of eating green bananas

Here is a list of the most important benefits you will see from eating green bananas on a regular basis:

1. Weight control

An unripe banana contains only half as many calories as a similar serving size of a traditional carbohydrate-based product.

In addition, the resistant starch mentioned above is rich in fiber. This helps to satisfy hunger for longer. So you will not have an excessive appetite.

Eating unripe bananas will make it easier for you to control your weight.

However, remember that eating green bananas will not make you feel hungry and will easily shed all of your excess fat. To lose weight healthily and effectively, you need to combine green bananas with other products. What’s more, you should remember about properly selected exercises.

2. Regulating cholesterol levels

Another benefit of eating green bananas frequently is that it can significantly lower your so-called “bad” cholesterol (LDL) levels. It is located in the liver. This “bad” cholesterol is mainly cleared from the body through the digestive system. As a result of these processes , the level of the so-called “good” cholesterol – HDL – rises. 

3. Health of the cardiovascular system

Unhealthy bananas will keep your heart healthy!

“Healthy” cholesterol, or HDL, supports optimal cardiovascular health in many different ways, including by:

  • Prevention of “bad” cholesterol from sticking to the walls of blood vessels
  • Secondly, it  prevents heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases
  • In addition, HDL removes inflammation that can negatively affect the heart and all organs in the chest.

4. Green bananas prevent diabetes

Unripe bananas are also known to regulate blood sugar levels. Thanks to this, they prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.

This is because after you eat green bananas, sugar is released into your bloodstream slowly. As a result, its level does not change rapidly. This helps to stabilize insulin secretion.

In turn, stabilizing insulin secretion can help you to:

  • Getting rid of unnecessary fat
  • Accelerate your metabolism
  • Decreased appetite.

These properties make green bananas an ideal snack or breakfast for people who want to lose weight healthily and for those who would like to introduce a healthier diet.

In addition, unripe bananas are the perfect fruit for diabetics.

5. Facilitating fat burning

This is because the fruit stimulates the production of a hormone called glucagon. It is responsible for accelerating thermogenesis.

Thanks to unripe bananas, you will burn excess kilos easier and faster.

6. Natural stimulants

Another important benefit of unripe bananas is their ability to act like an energy. They are especially beneficial for people who need muscle recovery.

After all, these fruits contain a significant amount of vitamin B5 and tryptophan. These ingredients promote the synthesis of serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for:

  • Stimulating reactions related to the feeling of happiness and well-being
  • Allowing full, deep sleep
  • Significantly reduce the level of stress and depression.

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