Riddle – 10 Examples That Will Test Your Mind

See if you can solve these 10 puzzles and impress your friends!
Riddle - 10 examples that will test your mind

This complicated puzzle is one of the best exercises for your brain.

It is worth stimulating the mind by giving it a variety of sentences to solve, which must go beyond the usual thinking patterns.

See if you can look at these little challenges in the right way and find the right answer.

Check if any of the riddles from the list below will be difficult for you. Use all of them to play with your friends!

Riddle 1

Janek’s dad said he would give him two bills.

“You’ll get six dollars in total, but one of those bills isn’t a dollar.”

What banknotes will Janek get?

Piggy bank

Riddle 2

Where does Thursday fall before Wednesday?

Riddle 3

Janek wakes up in the morning and discovers that there is no light in his room.

He opens a glove drawer containing 10 black and 10 navy blue gloves.

How many gloves does he have to take out to be sure he has taken at least one pair of the same color?

Riddle 4

How many times can you subtract 1 from 1111?

Riddle 5

There are two people in the car. The youngest passenger is the daughter of the oldest passenger, but the oldest passenger is not the father of the youngest passenger.

Who is the oldest passenger?


Riddle 6

What seven-letter word will even the greatest sage utter incorrectly?

Riddle 7

A man fell out of the window of a 50-story building and survived. How is this possible?

The Falling Man

Riddle 8

The woman bought a parrot at a pet store where the seller swore that the parrot was able to repeat anything he hears.

After a week, the woman returns to the store complaining that the parrot did not say a word, although the owner kept talking to her.

How is this possible?

Riddle 9

You are the driver of a bus with 18 passengers.

5 people get off at the stop and 13 new passengers get on.

At the next stop, 21 people get off and 13 people get on.

What color are the driver’s eyes?

Riddle 10

The farmer has 10 rabbits, 20 horses and 40 pigs.

If we call pigs “horses”, how many horses will the farmer have in total?

Mural - a child with a magnifying glass and a riddle

How did you deal with the above puzzles? Have any of them been difficult for you?

Check below that all your answers were correct.

  • Answer 1. One $5 and one $1 bill. Janek’s dad said that one of them was not a dollar, but the other could have been.
  • Answer 2. In the dictionary, because the words are arranged in alphabetical order in it.
  • Answer 3. 11: Even if John takes out 10 right (or left) gloves of both colors, the eleventh one will create a set with one of them.
  • Answer 4. Just one time because then you would subtract 1 from 1110, 1109, 1108 etc.
  • Answer 5. The mother of the youngest passenger.
  • Answer 6. The word ‘wrong’.
  • Answer 7. He fell from the first floor. The question also does not specify what exactly he fell on.
  • Answer 8. The parrot is deaf.
  • Answer 9. You are the driver, so the answer is the color of your eyes?
  • Answer 10. Still only 20. Just calling pigs horses does not mean that they will turn into real horses.

Puzzles are a great exercise!

Riddles force us to so-called lateral thinking.

This type of thinking was defined by Edward de Bono in 1967 and is all about creative problem-solving

Many of the logic puzzles have been constructed in such a way that they look like simple everyday tasks, but actually test your logical thinking ability.

For the person trying to solve this type of puzzle, it is an excellent mind exercise.

Riddle and the brain

Natural thinking is usually to move logically from one point to another, while lateral thinking forces you to think creatively and consider many factors at the same time.

Therefore, the puzzles are difficult for us, but they give us even more satisfaction when we solve them. Most of all, however, they are a great exercise for the mind because they distract us from the usual paths of thought.

Remember that mind exercises also have a very beneficial effect on the health of your brain.

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