Restless Legs Syndrome – 7 Effective Treatments

Restless Legs Syndrome is a minor but very bothersome condition. Find out how to treat it.
Restless legs syndrome - 7 effective treatments

Restless Legs Syndrome is a small but annoying problem faced by the majority of the population. This condition is also known as Willis-Ekbom Disorder. It has a neurological background. It is characterized by cramps and tingling in the limbs, especially the legs. The discomfort will go away as the person starts moving, usually getting up and walking.

Simple activities like sitting in a chair, lying on the sofa, or going to bed can all signify the emergence of these annoying sensations. We must also remember that we are dealing with a chronic neurological disorder.

It is only known that many cases may be genetic in origin, but some patients who develop this syndrome have other related diseases: kidney failure, vitamin deficiency. Restless Legs Syndrome  can also be related to pregnancy and a side effect of certain medications.

The therapeutic approach is based on improving the patient’s quality of life. For this, a multi-faceted strategy is required. First, the patient should take medications. These can be dopamine agonists, anti-epileptics or opioids. Non-pharmacological approaches are part of the treatments we want to write about in today’s article.

1. Pneumatic compression on restless legs syndrome

You may not have heard of pneumatic compression before, so it is all the more worth mentioning. Especially since it is one of the most effective treatments for RLS.

Compression improves circulation in the legs and prevents the formation of blood clots.

One of the causes of this disorder is the low oxygen concentration in the limbs. This compression device “reactivates” your circulation as if you were exercising, although you only sit during the procedure.

Pneumatic compression is worth trying. Just use it for half an hour to 45 minutes before going to bed. This type of compression device can be found in orthopedic centers and specialist pharmacies.

2. Vitamins and minerals you should add to your diet

Your doctor will perform tests and tests to see if your Restless Legs Syndrome may have been caused by a lack of minerals like iron or other nutrients like vitamin D.

To prevent and treat these types of neurological disorders, it’s also important not to forget to get enough other essential minerals and vitamins:

  • Magnesium
  • Vitamins D, C and E.
  • Iron

3. Exercise can help treat Restless Legs Syndrome

Light aerobic exercise shouldn’t tire you out too much. This type of activity of moderate intensity oxygenates the blood, and at the same time allows you to enjoy a bit of exercise in the form you choose. Aerobics also help to increase lung function and have a good effect on the work of the cardiovascular system.

aerobic exercises for restless legs syndrome

You should do these simple exercises daily:

  • Half-hour walks
  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • Dance
  • Zumba
  • Aerobics
  • Tennis

4. Yoga, relaxing and good for stretching

As you already know, yoga works for both your body and mind. Regular practice will allow you to relieve stress and anxiety and achieve a state of inner peace, and thus enjoy better rest at night.

Yoga’s ability to treat Restless Legs Syndrome is also enormous.

This is for the following reasons:

  • Stretching improves blood circulation and muscle tone.
  • Exercise is accompanied by breathing techniques that give the body more oxygen.

Therefore, you should do a yoga session at home every day or go to yoga classes where instructors can help you choose the exercises that are most effective for your situation.

5. Bandaging the feet

There are special compression bandages for the feet, which work by exerting pressure on the areas around the sole of the feet. Thanks to this, they stimulate circulation in the lower extremities and reduce the symptoms of RLS.

Foot bandage - restless legs syndrome

It’s best if you learn to sleep with these bandages on your feet.

6. Alternating heat and cold treatment

You may know that the alternation of heat and cold treatments is very popular, which only proves its effectiveness.

Something as simple and inexpensive as alternating cold and then hot compresses can improve circulation and relieve cramps and tingling in your legs, improving your nightly rest.

7. Teas for restless legs syndrome

Before using any of the teas described below, you should consult your health care professional.

Don’t forget that Restless Legs Syndrome treatments are very specific, and some medicinal plants can interact with your medications.

linden infusion for restless legs syndrome

It’s best to only consume one or two cups of these teas a day. Try to drink one cup before going to bed.

These are the most effective natural teas for restless legs syndrome.

  • Sage
  • Valerian
  • Linden blossom
  • White hawthorn
  • Field horsetail

In summary, restless legs syndrome is a chronic disorder. However, the correct medical approach and other treatments we have covered in this article can significantly improve a patient’s quality of life.

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