Dessert Tres Leches – Three Types Of Milk In One

Although the basis of the tres leches dessert can also be a ready-made sponge cake, the result of making the whole thing yourself will be much healthier and tastier. What is this dessert in its essence? 
Tres leches dessert - three types of milk in one

Latin America is a region with a broad spectrum of regions, cultures, arts and gastronomy. Today we will take you to the world of Mexican desserts – and an example is the dessert tres leches.

Latin America is the cradle of many interesting flavors and a truly unique food tradition. Celebration and celebration – this accompanies every meal. Without a doubt, this is where great recipes come from, like the one we’re going to show you in this article.

A combination of sponge cake, meringue, cream and dairy products of exceptional quality. Today you will learn how to prepare the Mexican dessert tres leches step by step – fresh and light in character.

Tres leches dessert – how to prepare sweets based on three types of milk?

This recipe will allow you to enjoy several textures and flavors in one bite.

Tres leches dessert - Latin America on a plate

One of the things that characterizes recipes at this latitude is the mix of salty, neutral and sweet flavors and ingredients. This allows us to surprise our taste buds, just like in the case of the dessert presented here. 

Cakes, pastries and biscuits tend to keep one shape, and the same goes for texture. However, in the case of tres leches, they do not behave so uniformly. The surface is bathed in a juicy texture and has a unique sweet taste.

  • While enjoying the first bite, our palate will meet surprising, definitely pleasant sensations. On the other hand, we will feel the density of the dough, with its spongy, delicate and classic consequence.
  • You will also feel a sweet and subtle taste, noticeable in cow’s milk ( but also in other ingredients). Moreover, the tres leches dessert will not make you feel heavy.

The recipe for this dessert will be perfect for family and friendly gatherings. If you serve it during afternoon tea – guests will be fascinated and delighted. However, we must remember about the key element of this dessert – the right meringue mass, prepared in the right way.

Remember that if you use too much of a mixture of sweetened and unsweetened condensed milk and cream cake – you will eventually ruin the spongy texture of the dessert. But don’t worry, we’ll show you in detail what to do step by step. Be diligent in preparing this dish. Below you will find the exact recipe.


  • 6 eggs
  • 2 cups (240 g) of plain wheat flour
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of baking powder (15 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of vanilla (30 ml)
  • 1 can of condensed milk (370 g)
  • 1 can of heavy cream (290 g)
  • ½ unsweetened condensed milk (180 ml)
  • 2 cups of sugar (240 g)

Preparation of tres leches – the base for the dough

  • First, preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
  • Then, for greater convenience and to speed up the preparation process a little, grease the baking tin with butter and set aside for later use.
  • Now use a mixer, break the eggs and mix them together with the sugar.
  • Then, in a deep bowl, combine flour, water, a tablespoon of vanilla and baking powder.
  • Then mix everything together until you get the thick homogeneous mass needed for a traditional biscuit dough.
  • The next step will be to put the entire mass into a greased baking pan.
  • Then bake the mixture for 25 minutes. How to check the readiness of a sponge cake? Check the baking condition with a stick, if it comes out dry – the dough is ready.
  • Once you’ve taken the cake out of the oven, let it cool down a little.
  • We are at the end – now it is enough to combine the milk with the cream and pour it on the surface of the sponge cake.
  • Finally, repeat this step until the dough has absorbed the liquids and takes on the classic look of a tres leches dessert.
  • It is best to cool the dessert in the fridge on the lower shelf and eat it cold.

Tres leches dessert – further preparation steps

When you finish preparing the base of this dessert and complete the previously described steps – proceed to the preparation of the meringue mass. This is the essential layer for the essence of this dessert.

Dessert - cake with meringue and milk

It is important to follow the recipe carefully at this stage as well. Without it, the dessert won’t be the same anymore.


  • 4 egg whites
  • ½ cup of sugar (100g)
  • ½ tablespoon lemon juice (8 ml)
  • 1 pinch of powdered cinnamon (optional)


  • Remember that it is this part that gives this dessert its unique flavor. This is a very simple meringue recipe, quick to make and essential for tres leches. 
  • Start by pouring egg whites into the bowl and using a whisk, whisk until you reach the snow trap.
  • Then slowly add sugar until it is completely integrated into the prepared mass.
  • At the very end, add the lemon juice and beat for a few more minutes.
  • Do not overdo the lemon juice dose, otherwise it can kill the taste of the dessert.
  • Finally, place the mixture in an applicator (e.g. a confectionery sleeve) and decorate the top of the dessert with the mask. We can finish everything with cinnamon.

Enjoy your meal!

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