Cocktails For Detox – Try 4 Healthy Recipes

For detox shakes to be really effective, it’s important not to add sugar or other sweeteners to them. To improve their flavor, try honey or stevia.
Detox smoothies - try 4 healthy recipes

Here are some healthy combinations for 4 shakes for detox. They will help eliminate toxins, fight fluid retention, and regulate intestinal function. These cocktails are also tasty and you can enjoy them at any time of the day. Try them out!

Sugar-free detox cocktails

The ingredients of these detoxifying smoothies are fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables and grains. Although they are well known for their healing properties, they are also distinguished by their excellent taste.

You can sweeten them with healthy products such as honey, stevia, or coconut sugar. You can also add some vanilla, cinnamon or cocoa to them. White sugar not only acidifies the body and harms your health. It also creates an addiction that makes us crave even sweeter foods.

1. Strawberries and coconut

This cocktail reminds us of a fancy combination of strawberries and cream, but without the need to add fat, sugar or dairy. This is a really appetizing detox cocktail. Give it a try!

detox cocktails - strawberry


Strawberries are delicious, attractive in appearance and provide plenty of nutrients. They make us feel full but are low in calories.

  • This makes them ideal for losing weight without abstaining from eating. They also add flavor and color to any smoothie.
  • Strawberries also have diuretic properties and contain a lot of fiber, which is beneficial for intestinal function.


Coconuts are tropical fruits high in protein, fiber and fats. Their fatty acids are very good for the body and help to lose weight, accelerating our metabolism.

  • This fruit also regulates blood sugar levels, improves digestion and the absorption of nutrients.

2. Cocktails for detox, ie Pear and celery

This is one of the most diuretic detox shakes. It helps eliminate toxins along with urine, fights swelling and fluid retention.

smoothies for detox - celery


Pears satisfy our craving for sweetness, they are refreshing and add flavor to smoothies.

  • They are rich in silicon which is very good for skin, hair and joints.
  • Pears help fight cellulitis and improve digestion.


Celery perfectly complements the pear. It has a powerful detoxifying power that acts on the kidneys and liver to improve the process of eliminating toxins. Celery is recommended in weight loss diets due to its low caloric content and diuresis increasing properties.

3. Papaya and chia seeds

This creamy smoothie is perfect for detoxifying your body, regulating digestion, and improving bowel emptying in an efficient yet effective way.

detox cocktail - papaya


Papaya is a tropical fruit rich in enzymes that stimulate digestion, soothe swelling, and regulate bowel movements.

  • It is an excellent natural antioxidant due to the presence of beta-carotene.
  • Papaya seeds have the ability to fight intestinal parasites.

Chia seeds

  • Chia, which should always be soaked overnight, have the ability to regulate bowel movements.
  • They also reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels and make you feel full.

4. Apples and oats

This cocktail is nourishing and energizing. It helps in digesting and cleansing the intestines.

apple smoothie


Apples are very healthy and contain detoxifying, digestive and antioxidant properties.

  • They help lower cholesterol, prevent hemorrhoids, and reduce the risk of respiratory problems.
  • It is recommended to eat apple peel, especially because of its high fiber content.


Oatmeal is an excellent grain supplement for detox smoothies as it is high in protein, carbohydrates and fiber.

They are able to provide energy while stabilizing our nervous system. This makes them great for treating nervousness, stress, anxiety or depression.

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