Tips For Beautiful, Strong Nails

Almost every woman dreams of having beautiful, strong and long nails, but keeping them in such a state is not an easy task. How to take care of them? You will learn from this article.
Beautiful and healthy nails

Would you like to have beautiful nails but you cannot get a manicure due to lack of time (or money)? Do not worry. You can create a small beauty salon in the privacy of your home, achieving the desired effect in just a few minutes!

Experts recommend that you take care of your nails every day to prevent damage, breakage or discoloration (especially if you smoke). Read on to find out the best tips for caring for your nails.

More beautiful nails – some tips

It doesn’t matter if you paint your nails one color, don’t paint at all, or if you try to match them with your clothes – taking care of them is absolutely essential. Everything they need should be included.

Below you will find some tips on proper nail hygiene. In a moment you will notice that a professional manicure in the salon may not be necessary, because you can take care of healthy and beautiful nails yourself.

Adequate hydration of the nails

Always use a cream after washing your hands. Thanks to this, you will not only moisturize and strengthen the nails, but also prevent your skin from drying out.


Only use a nail clipper if your nails are too long and you want to cut them to the length of your fingertip.

If this is not the case, use a nail file to achieve your favorite length and shape. Thanks to this, you will prevent them from breaking.

painted nails

Base for varnish

Use the base coat before applying nail polish. Although this step is usually omitted, the lack of the base will have a negative effect on the nails – they will become dry, yellowed and unsightly. All because of the ingredients of the nail polish that prevent the nails from breathing.

Bases can be found in every cosmetic and perfumery store. The base acts as a protective layer and becomes an ordinary, transparent and shiny coating when applied. Contrary to varnishes, it contains aloe, calcium and vitamin E. The organoleptic properties of the base make it easier to apply the varnish because it evens out the nail plate.

Do not cut or gnaw the cuticles as this can lead to infection. For this purpose, it is recommended to use oils or special creams to remove cuticles. Or you can carefully shape them with a soft stick.

The appearance of the nails

Women always take care of their skin and hair, forgetting about their nails. All you need to do is spend a moment, for example while watching TV. You can massage your nails with petroleum jelly.

Apply the night cream and sleep in cotton gloves. In the morning you will see that your hands will be extremely soft and your nails will look much better.

beautiful nails

Nails – more tips

  • After washing your hands, dry them well, paying particular attention to your nails as they will start to soften.
  • Use a nail file at least once a week to keep the nail edges strong and break-resistant.
  • Do not cut the cuticles as they protect the nails from germs. You can soften them with creams and press them gently so that they are not very visible.
  • Use a moisturizing cream twice a day to keep your nails looking healthy and beautiful. If they are yellowed from excessive use of varnish or cigarettes, rub them with vinegar.
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  • Limit the use of nail polish and nail polish remover. When you wash off the paintwork, wait at least a day to paint them again. Know that acetone-free removers exist, they are sold in wet wipes. They do not damage the skin or nails.
  • Cut your nails briefly if they cause you a lot of trouble.
  • If you do housework, wear protective gloves, especially if you will be using chemicals such as bleach.
  • Consume vitamin A, it will keep your nails healthy and strong. You will find it in most fruits and vegetables.
  • Don’t bite your nails or put your fingers in your mouth! Try to shift this horrible habit to candy or chewing gum. The nails become soft and brittle through saliva.
  • Don’t use your nails as tools! They are not intended for scratching stains, unraveling the shoelaces or cleaning gaps, but for protecting your hands and looking beautiful!

Treatments for beautiful and healthy nails

  • Crush a few cloves of garlic and place it on the nails like a cream for a few minutes, this will make them tougher.
  • Another way is to dip your nails in an infusion of horsetail for about 20 minutes.
  • A hard and effective protective layer can also be made with 8 drops of lemon juice, a well-crushed garlic clove and 5 drops of white iodine. And then by adding ingredients to the clear polish and using it as a natural base for polish. After application, protection should be left for a day.

If you want to paint your nails but don’t have much time to wait for them to dry, you can put them in a bowl of water and a few ice cubes.

And if you want the varnish to stay on them longer, dip your fingers in a bowl of vinegar before painting your nails.

Photos courtesy of Lisa Bently, Courtney Rhodes, Fing’rs, Stefany, Emily Gould and Vladimir Morozov

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