Hearing And Habits That Can Damage Him

Did you know that alcohol consumption can damage the auditory center in the cortex of the brain and lead to a reduction in its volume?
Hearing and habits that can damage it

Hearing is one of the senses that play a key role in our lives. It is even hard to imagine what would have happened if we had not been blessed with it.

Thanks to the possibilities it gives us, we can enjoy all, even the subtlest sounds, the source of which is the world around us, not to mention everyday communication and performing basic activities.

However, as with other parts of the body, there is always the risk that hearing may be impaired either due to advancing years, genetic factors, or simply not being careful enough with certain daily habits that directly affect this sense.

How to properly care for your hearing and what to avoid?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are approximately 360 million people in the world with more or less hearing loss. The same organization alerts that half of these cases could have been prevented only by avoiding certain harmful habits that can lead to deafness.

Today you will learn about nine habits that can damage your hearing. Remember them and prevent unnecessary problems!

1. Smoking a cigarette


Not only is this unhealthy habit the most common cause of lung and throat cancer, it can also cause hearing problems. The Journal of the American Medical Association published research showing that smokers are almost 70% more likely to lose hearing.

The damage worsens with the intensity and duration of exposure to cigarette smoke.

2. Hair dryer and hearing

Although at first glance it would seem that this device is completely harmless, long-term exposure of the hearing to noise may damage it.

Now that you know about it, before you start drying your hair, you can put special earplugs in your ears to protect you from harmful sounds.

3. Listening to loud music


Who of us doesn’t like listening to our favorite music out loud? These sounds, although so beloved by us, can also damage our hearing, especially when you use a headset.

According to a study by the University of Leicester (UK), damage occurs as a result of changes in the membrane of the auditory nerve that transports the signal from the ear to the brain.

4. Exposure to traffic noise

Although it is actually inevitable nowadays and it is difficult to completely rule out this point, you should know that traffic noise also negatively affects our hearing.

Decibels coming from the street especially increase when we are stuck in traffic, and this generates impulses that negatively affect the ear canals. Therefore, in such cases, it is recommended not to listen to music too loudly or to stock up on special earplugs.

5. Improper use of ear buds

Cleaning the ears

Many people find that ear buds are the best way to remove earwax that builds up in your ears. The truth is that instead of cleaning, they can push the debris even deeper, in the worst case it can rupture the eardrum and cause deafness.

6. Excessive use of certain medications

Too frequent consumption of certain medications not only leads to problems with the digestive and nervous system, but also negatively affects hearing.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the inner ear can be damaged from the regular use of antibiotics and even drugs used to treat cancer.

7. The abuse of alcoholic beverages and hearing

Excessive consumption of alcohol can damage the auditory center in the brain and reduce its volume.

This means that along with the general damage to the brain from excessive alcohol consumption, the nerves responsible for conducting and receiving auditory stimuli are also damaged.

8. Overweight


People above the BMI norm have a 17% higher probability of suffering damage and hearing problems.

9. Speaking in a high tone

The noise that accompanies a loud conversation between several people is about 50 decibels, which is a result that exceeds the norm that is safe for our ears. It is important to learn to control this children’s voice and feelings from an early age.

Avoiding all these negative habits and harmful situations will reduce the likelihood of hearing problems. However, if none of the above reasons is the cause of your troubles, it is possible that the passage of time has caused your hearing loss.

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