Eczema – Homemade Soap Helpful In Treatment

Thanks to the properties of essential oils, we will obtain a moisturizing soap with a bactericidal effect, which will help with skin inflammations, especially in the affected areas, and also contribute to the regeneration of the skin.
Eczema - homemade soap to help with treatment

Do you know what eczema is ? By reading this article, you will learn how, in the comfort of your own home, you can prepare a natural soap that will help you effectively fight the problem.

If eczema is a problem that has just happened to you, use this natural remedy, especially on the affected areas of the skin.

How do i know if it’s eczema?

Eczema is an existing skin lesion that causes redness, inflammation and, in some cases, burning sensation. Eczema looks like a rash, and although it affects people of all ages, it is most common in children.

The soap described in this article can be very useful not only in the case of eczema, but also in the case of dermatitis or psoriasis.

Unfortunately, there are more and more people suffering from skin problems every day. In some cases, they are caused by environmental factors, exposure to certain foods, but also by eating food products that are not properly digested by our body.

Eczema on the skin

One of the causes of eczema can also be genetic tendencies.

The problem with the disease is that eczema is chronic and it is very difficult to control its course. It is also very difficult to heal.

For this reason, it should be treated comprehensively, i.e. acting on many fronts at the same time:

  • Use natural products and materials.
  • Respond to any food intolerances appropriately.
  • Do not underestimate allergic reactions to various substances.
  • Take into account nervous and emotional issues.

Eczema – what products to choose?

  • Indian honey honey. This oil has regenerating, restructuring and moisturizing properties that are invaluable in the event of any skin problems.
  • Medical calendula. Marigold flower oil is ideal for skin infected with psoriasis or when suffering from eczema. It helps fight inflammation and prevents skin dryness.
  • Tea tree. Tea tree essential oil is very potent on the skin and is invaluable in combating the problems associated with any type of fungus or bacteria. It also contributes to the regeneration of skin with eczema.
Natural soap


  • 210ml of olive oil
  • 30g of caustic soda
  • 65ml of distilled water
  • 30 drops of Indian honey oil
  • 30 drops of calendula oil
  • 15 drops of tea tree essential oil

Tools needed

  • The form in the shape we want to give the soap. One option is to cut open a milk bottle or carton. However, aluminum molds cannot be used.
  • Safety glasses necessary for any manipulations with the use of caustic soda.
  • Kitchen foam compactor.
  • Pot.
  • A glass vessel.
  • Wooden mixing spoon.

Preparation of soap

  • First of all, put on safety glasses. Being careful, we put a glass vessel in the sink and put caustic soda in it, and then distilled water. It is very important to follow this order to avoid splashes.
  • The combination of these ingredients will cause a violent reaction that produces toxic fumes, so do this with the window open. Then we leave it to cool down.
  • Pour the oil into a pot and put it on slow fire. When it reaches about 40 ºC, take it off the fire and gently mix it with caustic soda, stirring constantly. The mixture should turn into a gel.
  • Now add the previously prepared oils (Indian honey, calendula and tea tree) and then mix thoroughly.
  • Place the soap in a mold and cover it with a towel to allow it to cool slowly, starting the saponification process at the same time.
  • We leave it in this condition for 12 to 24 hours.
  • After the specified time has elapsed, we can take the soap out of the mold.
  • Store the soap in a cool and dry place for 6 to 8 weeks until it matures.
Natural olive soap

If you are satisfied with the results, the next time you can prepare more soap and diversify the forms. When you take the soap out of the mold, you can immediately cut it into smaller pieces with a knife so that it dries better.

Remember that all soaps should be kept separate during maturation.

Important warnings

  • Caustic soda should be handled with the utmost care. Keep children or pets away.
  • Always use safety glasses, a mask and gloves to avoid possible chemical burns. Caustic soda is caustic!
  • Have some vinegar ready. If baking soda drips on your skin, put some vinegar on it immediately.

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