The Best Natural Cleansers

The best natural cleansers

If you are constipated or want to lose weight, knowing a few fruits that act as cleansers will be very helpful. But you also need to know how much to eat them, and avoid eating more than recommended because your digestive system won’t be able to handle it well.

Now that we know the basic rule, we can move on! Introducing intestinal cleansers that are 100% natural.

Natural cleansers

You probably eat it from time to time, maybe it is even permanently present in your eating plan, and after eating it you will feel your abdomen full and bloated. This is because we don’t go to the toilet every day. However, try to take them whenever possible.


They are packed with fiber, making them an excellent natural cleanser to aid in the excretion process. They are also extremely rich in yet another important nutrient: potassium. One banana a day is enough to ensure an adequate supply of electrolytes in your intestines. In addition, it contains compounds called fructo-oligosaccharides that favor the growth of beneficial bacteria cultures in jetlites.


Thanks to the high concentration of carbohydrates called pectins, apples stimulate the work of the intestines. They also provide the body with fiber. Eat two or three fresh apples a day to help prevent constipation.

An apple on a tree branch


For a good start to the day, eat a melon! This fruit is extremely easy to digest, it actually goes straight into the intestines, it is not digested in the stomach. We especially recommend a variety of melon called cantaloupe.

Berries, perennials and fruit shrubs

They are full of antioxidants. There are tons of different types, some you may like more than others, so pick your favorites! Strawberries, currants, raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries – these are just a few.

Plums – cleansing agents

Actually, that’s the # 1 cleanser. Plums are rich in potassium, vitamin A, fiber and iron. In addition, they create the right conditions for the development of beneficial bacteria cultures in the large intestine, which support its cleansing.

Undistilled apple cider vinegar

It supports the proper functioning of the intestines and contributes to the removal of toxins from the body. It contains pectin, potassium, malic acid, acetic acid, calcium and other ingredients. We recommend adding this type of apple cider vinegar to your dishes as it contains many useful nutrients, additionally make sure that there is sediment in it – this means that it has not been subjected to the process of distillation.

Spicy spices are cleansers

Ginger, crocus or cayenne pepper support digestion and are perfect as cleansers. You can prepare an infusion of ginger, controlling the excretion processes on an ongoing basis. Saffron (crocus) cleans the liver of toxins and fights carcinogenic compounds in food. Cayenne pepper stimulates the production of gastric juices and digestive enzymes.

Citrus fruits

This is especially true for oranges, but lemons and grapefruits will also be useful. Citrus fruits are excellent detoxicants, meaning they help “flush” toxins out of the body. Vitamin C, which is contained in them, turns harmful substances into fully digestible substances. In addition, one orange provides 15% of the recommended amount of fiber per day.


Like apples, carrots are high in pectin and provide a lot of fiber to the digestive system. They support the excretion and cleansing of the body of toxins.


Thanks to the compound it contains called quercetin, onions are great at removing residues from the body. Additionally, it contains folic acid, vitamins E and C, potassium and fiber.

Cleansing agents - onion


Even a small portion of this vegetable provides adequate amounts of selenium and allicin, which are able to cleanse the liver and eliminate toxins. Adding garlic to your food may also reduce the risk of stomach cancer.

Broccoli and cauliflower are cleansers

Both vegetables increase the amount of compounds called glucosinolates, which help your body produce more digestive enzymes, which in turn eliminate toxins. Thanks to them , you will have a natural need to defecate. This group of vegetables also includes cabbage, which softens the contents of the intestines during peristalsis.


Tomatoes are also great as food to help cleanse the body. They contain large amounts of vitamins A, C and K. They satisfy 10% of the daily fiber requirement. They also contain glucomannan, an antioxidant that reduces the risk of colorectal cancer.

tomatoes are cleansers

Omega-3 fatty acids

We can find this substance, among others. in linseed oil, avocado or olive oil. They eliminate toxins and moisten the walls of the intestines so that the contents of the intestines move more smoothly through them.

Spinach, chicory – cleansing agents

Vegetables such as spinach, chicory, arugula, etc. are great as laxatives, because they contain fiber, magnesium, folic acid, calcium and vitamins C and K. All these compounds have a positive effect on the intestines, they also stimulate the secretion of bile, which removes undesirable substances from the blood and internal organs.

Coconut oil

It supports digestion and intestinal function, soothes discomfort caused by hemorrhoids, fights inflammation and helps rebuild damaged tissues. For best results, the oil will give you unprocessed virgin coconut oil.

An avocado

This fruit is full of ingredients such as potassium, folate and vitamin K. One avocado provides 30% of the daily fiber requirement. It also contains magnesium and lutein, which helps you absorb nutrients from other foods.

The seeds are cleansing agents

Untreated seeds will aid digestion of other foods. These can be seeds of flax, pumpkin, sunflower, etc. They contain a lot of fiber, zinc, protein and vitamin E. We can also include nuts, almonds and pine nuts in this group.

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