Reduce The Risk Of Heart Attack And Stroke

Results recently published in the journal
Reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke

Although this value may not seem very high, it is worth remembering. Especially if we treat the risk of a heart attack as one of those variables over which we can actually have full control.

By paying attention to our diet and trying to improve our quality of life, we can significantly reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke. And these diseases take the lives of thousands of people around the world each year. So why not start putting good habits into practice?

Nutrition tips to help reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke

Although it is certain that the occurrence of many cases of these diseases is caused by genetic determinants, it is worth bearing in mind that risk reduction is also in our hands. So let’s put some effort into reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

A few facts about the risk of a heart attack

Both heart attacks and strokes are typically one of the leading causes of death in men and women. And another fact that is worth remembering is that the risk of a heart attack has increased significantly in the last year also in the case of women.

The number of cases of stroke has continued to increase. Not only because the population is generally aging, but also because of poor diet, stress and even a sedentary lifestyle.

Another fact that emphasizes the importance of the results of the research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition is that we often wait until we are over 50 to change our lifestyle and habits.

But at this age, heart disease, ailments caused by high cholesterol and high blood pressure are beginning to occur. And then the risk of a heart attack is really high.

However, isn’t it worth taking care of your health much earlier?

Wouldn’t it be better for your health to try to avoid future potential problems now? And this will allow you to enjoy good health until old age.

If you want to improve your diet, consider the following tips.

1. Forget about salt and fat completely

Most traditional diets are generally high in fat and salt. It doesn’t matter if you live in Europe or America. In recent years, we have moved away from practically all the healthy habits that have always characterized us.

Perhaps this is due to our lifestyle, our work, constant pursuit of something …

Fats and salt

As a result, we regularly buy pre-prepared food in supermarkets because we do not have time to prepare meals at home.

Or maybe your cooking style is the same as you encountered in your family home? In other words, you use large amounts of red meat, fried foods, or other high-calorie foods that will ultimately give you more problems (increasing your risk of a heart attack) than benefits.

Change your diet, eliminate fats and salt – and start today.

2. Make friends with red vegetables to lower the risk of a heart attack

There are many vegetables on the market that have excellent properties to lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Want an example that should always be a staple in your diet?

Tomatoes. They help to avoid many diseases thanks to the high content of lycopene. It is a substance known to reduce blood clotting properties. As a result, it reduces the likelihood of clots in your blood vessels.

Tomatoes reduce the risk of a heart attack

In addition, you may be interested in the fact that tomato sauce has a much higher lycopene content than in fresh tomatoes, because this chemical compound is released much more efficiently during the thermal processing of tomatoes.

3. Replace the flour with wholegrain white wheat flour

Here’s the main factor in reducing your risk of heart attack and stroke. Starting today, try replacing white bread with a rye-based or oat-based variety, that is, whole grain bread.

Whole grain bread reduces the risk of a heart attack

Also switch to whole grain rice and pasta that is the same, as these varieties of both foods will help you reduce blood cholesterol, prevent blood sugar spikes, and help you control your appetite.

4. Say “yes” to strawberries and apples

How do you feel about adding a green apple to your breakfast? What if you prepared a delicious salad with spinach, strawberries and nuts for dinner? This is a really great idea!

You should know that apples are rich in nutrients and are an ideal product to fight heart disease, and at the same time are ideal for lowering the level of LDL in the blood, or so-called “bad cholesterol”.

Strawberry smoothie

And what can we say about strawberries … Did you know that they are rich in potassium, nutrients and vitamin C? Strawberries are perfect because they can significantly reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

So don’t hesitate to supplement your meal with a bowl of six well-washed, fresh strawberries – but remember not to add sugar to them under any circumstances!

Also read: 9 Apples recipes – enjoy their benefits

5. Eat half a teaspoon of cinnamon each day

Just 15 grams of this product a day will allow you to effectively take care of your health, while reducing the risk of a heart attack and stroke. Here are the main reasons why cinnamon is considered so healthy:

Cinnamon stick reduces the risk of a heart attack
  • It lowers blood sugar levels.
  • It helps to lower the level of “bad cholesterol” (LDL) and triglycerides in the blood.
  • It prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • It has a positive effect on hypertension, reducing blood pressure.
  • It helps while losing weight.

6. Eat oily fish at least twice a week to lower your risk of a heart attack

Statistics used by research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition show that the risk of heart attack and stroke in people who eat oily fish at least twice a week is much lower in the vast majority of cases.

These fish are high in protein, especially omega-3 fatty acids in the form of a very healthy oil that can help prevent blood clots in your veins.

Remember to add such fish to your diet and thus take care of your health.

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