Fluid Retention – 9 Natural Remedies

Tomatoes are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Thanks to their properties, they support blood purification and neutralize the effects of free radicals.
Fluid Retention - 9 Natural Remedies

The retention of fluids in the body, or their retention, leading to the formation of edema in various parts of the body, occurs when there is excessive accumulation of water in individual tissues.

This phenomenon is not considered a disease, but is a symptom that accompanies other health problems such as high blood pressure, kidney malfunction, and digestive difficulties, among others.

Retention is most often manifested by significant swelling of the limbs, and sometimes it may be accompanied by pain and frequent fatigue.

Water retention – learn more about it!

First of all, fluid retention can be caused by many factors. These include, among others: excessive salt consumption, lack of physical activity or hormonal changes.

Nature, however, extends a helping hand to us and offers ingredients with diuretic properties that will be great in the fight against the accumulation of fluid in the body. Today you will get to know some of these products that should be included in your daily diet.

1. Watermelon

One of the reasons watermelon owes its diuretic properties is that it is largely made of water. Additionally, it contains lycopene – a powerful antioxidant that prevents premature aging and neutralizes the effects of free radicals.

Watermelon for fluid retention

In addition,  watermelon is a powerful source of minerals and vitamins as well as amino acids essential for the proper functioning of the body, which improve the excretion of accumulated toxins from the body, and at the same time improve blood circulation and digestive processes.

2. Cucumber

Cucumber is primarily known for its beneficial effects on our skin. It is one of the main ingredients of many home-made cosmetics recipes that improve its appearance, and many preparations available in stores are based on this vegetable.

However, as it turns out, this is not its only advantage. Cucumber, apart from its beautifying properties, is also a great diuretic. 

All this thanks to the water, which contains up to 90%, and in addition j est donor minerals such as sulfur and silicon, which facilitate removal from the body accumulation of uric acid and stimulate the kidney to work better and more efficient cleaning.

3. Tomatoes and retention

Thanks to their unique and universal taste, today tomatoes are a constant component of many recipes and recipes around the world. They will not only provide us with excellent taste values, but also prove themselves when water retention makes us feel.

This vegetable mainly consists of water and minerals, which makes it well suited to supporting the proper water management of the body.

Consuming natural tomato juice will improve blood purification and neutralize the effects of free radicals, thus preventing the occurrence of many diseases.

4. Carrots

Juices prepared from this vegetable are a source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that support the proper functioning of all organs. Carrots have a diuretic effect and help eliminate fluid accumulated in the body, and with them, waste products.

Fluid Retention - Carrots are a great option

In addition, carrots improve the metabolism and prevent the formation of cancer, and has a positive effect on the health of our eyes.

5. Lettuce

It is an ideal ingredient of salads, vegetable cocktails, while providing a significant amount of fiber and water. Both of these ingredients regulate the functioning of the intestines and improve the removal of excess fluid accumulated in the tissues.

6. Celery

7. Dandelion

One of the most popular plants with diuretic properties.

Dandelion diuretic

Regular intake of infusions will effectively support the work of the kidneys and facilitate the removal of accumulated unnecessary substances.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 3 tablespoons of dandelion (30 g)

A method of preparing:

To begin with, you need to bring the water to a boil and add the indicated amount of the plant. Then cover the preparation and consume the infusion throughout the day. Continue this therapy for 15 days.

8. Field horsetail

The plant is well known for its strong diuretic properties, so it is better to consume it with caution as it can have the opposite effect.


  • 1 cup of water (250ml)
  • 0.5 teaspoon of horsetail (2.5 g)

A method of preparing:

Bring the given amount of water to a boil and then add half a teaspoon of horsetail. After boiling, cover the mixture and allow it to cool, and take up to three cups a day throughout the week.

9. Nettle and water retention in the body

Nettle tea is another popular remedy when fluid retention is becoming a major concern. It helps to maintain proper water management in the body and protects the kidneys.

Diuretic nettle


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of nettle (5 g)

A method of preparing:

After bringing the specified amount of water to the boil, add the nettle and leave it for a few minutes. Take the infusion in the amount of three cups a day throughout the week.

By including the above-mentioned products in your diet, you will be able to properly regulate the body’s water balance, which will immediately become noticeable through a better well-being and the appearance of your figure. Remember to consume them regularly and enjoy their wonderful properties.

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