5 Ways To Remove Moisture From Kitchen Walls And Cabinets

Have you noticed a wet stain on the wall? Try to get rid of moisture as soon as possible, as it can not only ruin the foundations of your home, but also adversely affect your overall health.
Moisture in the house?  - Explore 5 reliable ways

Damp is the real bane of many homes, especially those in a humid climate with frequent rains and little sun. Fortunately, there are many proven home methods to quickly and effectively get rid of wet fungus from a wall or inside a wardrobe.

It is worth realizing that moisture in the home is not only an aesthetic problem – its impact goes much further than we might think. A wet fungus on the wall is a threat to our health.

Moisture – a problem that must be eliminated as soon as possible

The case with moisture at home is similar to the case of the natural environment. We are talking about high air humidity when it exceeds 60-70%. In this case, special steps should be taken to minimize the effects of excess water in the air.

Moisture on the wall

Otherwise, you are exposing your four corners to attacks by harmful microorganisms and other unpleasant consequences, including:

  • Mites
  • Bacteria and fungi
  • Mold stains
  • Bad smell and damage to walls or furniture

All of the above factors not only negatively affect the aesthetic aspect of your home, but also bring serious health consequences to all family members. Moreover, they lead to the development of various allergies and chronic problems of the upper respiratory tract.

Hence, the control of moisture in the home is one of the fundamental elements of caring for the health of the whole family. Immediately when you notice a wet stain on the wall, start acting. The sooner you get rid of the problem, the less harmful microorganisms will settle in your apartment.

Find out about some reliable ways to lower the air humidity in your home!

Remove moisture quickly and efficiently

1. Proper ventilation

Adequate interior ventilation is the key to keeping your home fresh and prevents excess moisture from getting into its various nooks and crannies. Ventilate all rooms every day, especially those where it smells of must from time to time (for example, in the bathroom, laundry room or basement).

Open window

Air conditioning also allows you to perfectly take care of the level of proper air humidification in the house or apartment. Use it especially in rooms that cannot be reached by natural air during ventilation.

However, try not to overuse this method, because you can excessively dry the air, which is also harmful to the health of our body. It can lead to the development of various diseases of the respiratory system and to chronic nasal congestion.

2. Determine the sources of moisture

If you feel very humid in a room, the first thing you should do is identify the source of the problem. Take a close look at the walls, as it is on them that the wet fungus appears in the event of a pipe breakage.

Remember that if you do not solve the problem quickly, you not only increase the risk of flooding, but also the proliferation of harmful microorganisms.

3. Use an air dryer

The dehumidifier is a household appliance that is perfect for cold regions with frequent and heavy rainfall. It is in these areas that moisture enters our homes with ease and is often difficult to eliminate. What’s more, when it is constantly raining, it is not possible to frequently ventilate the rooms.

Air filter

This device is very simple and convenient to use. In addition, its electrical consumption is comparable to that of air conditioning. There are many different types of dehumidifiers on the market to choose from. You will certainly find the right one for you at a satisfactory price.

4. Reduce moisture with salt

Did you know that salt is an excellent moisture absorber? So stock up on a kilogram of table salt, and then pour it out on flat plates and place it around the house, especially in rooms particularly susceptible to excess moisture. After a few days, you will notice that the salt has absorbed a lot of the water from the air.

Indeed, salt is one of the minerals with the highest absorption capacity. What’s more, its action is versatile – it not only absorbs moisture, but also perfectly removes stains from fabrics. Use it to remove stains that have covered you with a dark layer of mold. The salt will deal with them in a few minutes.


5. Other home tricks to get rid of the moisture in your home

In addition to the above recommendations, you can also use other methods, thanks to which you will limit the increase in the level of moisture in the air and maintain proper ventilation of your home. These include insignificant habits, which, however, are effective in preventing the accumulation of moisture in the apartment.

  • Always turn on the hood when cooking. Instead of remaining in the kitchen, the moist air will be “pulled” outside.
  • Set the heating so that the air temperature in the house does not exceed 20 ˚C. Remember that the warmer it is, the greater the risk of damp fungus appearing on walls, shelves and wardrobes.
  • Dry the laundry in the fresh air. This way you will prevent moisture from accumulating in the rooms of your home.
  • Distribute plants evenly in your home. If there are too many of them in a given room, the production of water vapor increases, and thus – the humidity of the air increases.

At the end

The factors that also influence the moisture content in the air are light and air flow through the apartment.

Windows and doors should be situated so as to guarantee the maximum inflow of natural sunlight. If that helps, you should also move some furniture to allow better and more free air circulation in your home.

Thanks to the above tips, you will surely quickly and effectively eliminate the problem of excess moisture in your home. Remember that thanks to them you will not only improve the aesthetics of your walls, but above all you will take care of the health of the whole family and prevent various allergies. The sooner you deal with this problem, the less money you will have to spend on repairs and repainting the walls.

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