5 Types Of Headaches And Their Causes

When we experience headaches, we should pay attention to this immediately to avoid becoming a migraine that will negatively affect our daily life.
Headaches - find out about the most common causes of headaches

Today, headaches are one of the most common symptoms that causes most people to seek medical attention. Often they occur so often and with such intensity that they cause anxiety and alarm to those who experience them.

In most cases, headaches can be associated with:

  • A cold
  • Stress
  • Dehydration
  • They are also often associated with additional symptoms of conditions such as uterine contractions

Depending on the specific area of ​​the head where they appear, the pain can be mild, sharp and intense. Some patients describe it simply as pressure on a certain area of ​​the head, which causes almost unbearable discomfort.

In most cases, headaches are not a symptom of any serious medical condition and, as a rule, there is no need for urgent medical intervention.

Headaches and their possible causes

1. Voltage migraine

This condition is one of the most common causes of headaches and one of the most frequent causes of neurological consultations. It starts with throbbing pain in the temple or around the eyes, causing tension in the neck and face. At the same time, it causes exceptional sensitivity of the scalp.

headache man suffers

Stress migraines occur at the end of the day when fatigue and work-related stress have built up. Their main causes are: poor sleep, insomnia, hormonal changes, stressful situations and even possible episodes of depression.

2. Occipital migraine

People with this condition tend to complain of pain in the top of the neck, and in some cases the pain radiates to the jaw.

3. Concentrated neuralgia

This is the type of headache that occurs on one side of the head and continues until the other half is affected as well. It usually occurs after a sudden release of histamine or serotonin in the body as a result of drinking too much alcohol, taking too much medicine, or exercising excessively while exercising.

the man suffers headaches

4. Vascular headaches

Vascular headaches should be monitored very carefully to avoid future complications.

In most cases, there is no need to worry. However, attention should be paid to other accompanying symptoms that may indicate more serious damage:

  • You feel the pain getting worse, and when you bend down you cough or need to lie down.
  • You have difficulty with certain movements or speaking
  • The pain lasts more than three days
  • There are seizures or fainting
  • You develop fever, nausea or vomiting

Talk to a specialist if you are experiencing any of these problems, especially if you already have vascular problems. Remember that prevention is the most important thing!

5. Neck pain

Another cause of headaches, and one that usually goes unnoticed in clinical trials, is neck pain. This condition is caused by minor injuries or bad posture.

It is characterized by weakening of the neck muscles and a decrease in vertebral stability. At the same time, it causes spasms in the neck that trigger throbbing in certain areas of the head.

the man suffers headaches

Making changes to your daily lifestyle

Modifying our daily habits can help relieve headaches. For example, introducing a healthy diet that includes fruits and vegetables, as well as following a dietary schedule, can help reduce the number of headache episodes.

Keeping your body hydrated is another factor that must be considered. Drink two liters of water a day to keep your body healthy. You should also limit the consumption of products containing caffeine and alcohol.

Exercise regularly. This will help reduce the stress and tension that lead to the headache.

If you have recurring headaches or pain around your eyes, jaw, or lower skull, talk to a specialist. The health professional is the only one who can rule out any more serious condition.

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