Faster Slimming – 6 Fruits That Will Help You Lose Weight

Faster weight loss by eating fruit? It is possible!
Faster weight loss - 6 fruits that will help with this

Do you have problems shedding the last few kilos and do not know how to improve this process? You are in the right place! Today we will describe for you a few fruits that enable  you to lose weight faster.

The best part is that the selected fruits are so tasty that eating them every day will certainly not cause you any difficulties. In addition, by  eating fruit, you provide your body with essential nutrients, such as: minerals, vitamins and fiber.

1. Watermelon for faster weight loss

Watermelon is not very famous because of its high sugar content. However, it is worth remembering that this delicious fruit consists of 90% water, so it can help speed up your weight loss.

watermelon for faster weight loss
  • Thanks to the high content of arginine, watermelons accelerate metabolic processes,  thus helping to burn the accumulated fat tissue.
  • 100 grams of watermelon contains only 30 kcal and will keep you full for hours.

To avoid sugar spikes, we recommend consuming watermelon in combination with lean protein, for example between meals when you are hungry for carbohydrates.

2. Lemon

The second fruit that helps you lose weight faster is very cheap and you can easily include it in your daily diet. Remember that the best way to lose weight is to take care of your liver and clean it of toxins on a regular basis. It will also allow you to take care of the proper functioning of the digestive system.

A great way to detoxify your liver is to drink fresh lemon juice. Lemon  helps to cleanse and detoxify your body. These properties are due to the high content of riboflavin, vitamins C and B and minerals such as phosphorus and magnet.

If you dream of a more effective and faster weight loss, try this recipe:


  • 1/2 lemon juice
  • 1 cup of warm water (200 ml)


  • Every morning, drink a glass of water with the juice of half a lemon.

3. Apples

Apples are not only tasty, but also do not require any special processing as their peel is edible. This makes them the perfect quick snack, which in addition is rich in fiber and water.

For this reason, eating apples will help you lose weight faster, especially since these fruits do not contain many calories. A medium-sized apple contains only 72 kcal, which makes it an ideal meal for people on a diet.

apples for faster weight loss

Green apples are rich in polyphenols and fiber, which additionally support the gut flora. We recommend eating at least one apple a day. You can add them to your smoothie, eat them for your lunch or add them to your evening porridge.

4. Blueberries

All fruit and berries are good for health, but blueberries are the real allies of people fighting for a more beautiful figure. Including blueberries in your daily diet is a simple and tasty way to lose weight faster.

Blueberries for faster weight loss
  • A cup of blueberries has only 83 kcal. Blueberries accelerate metabolism, thanks to which you burn calories faster, and with them – troublesome fat.
  • Blueberries are rich in fiber, which makes you feel full.
  • In addition, they have a beneficial effect on memory processes and lower the level of bad cholesterol.

There are many ways to include blueberries in your daily diet, you can eat them “sauté”, drink them in smoothies or juices. You can buy blueberry supplements in stores, but we still recommend eating fresh fruit.

5. Bananas

Bananas also provide vitamin B6 which helps to control blood sugar levels. In addition, they accelerate regeneration after intense training.

bananas for faster weight loss

Eating bananas also prevents muscle cramps and regulates blood pressure. All of the benefits of bananas described above make them the best food choice for weight-conscious people.

6. Grapefruit

Eating half a grapefruit before each meal can lower insulin levels. Grapefruits will also help you keep your body properly hydrated and keep you from feeling hungry for a long time.

They are also a great source of vitamin C, folate, and potassium. Pink grapefruit contains about 104 kcal and is a great addition to breakfast.

In addition to eating the fruit itself, you can also start using grapefruit essential oil and seed extract.

Tips to help you make your weight loss diet more effective with fruit

  • Choose natural and fresh fruit.
  • Avoid combining fruit with empty calorie foods such as chocolate or creams.
  • If you want to spice up the fruit a bit, eat it with natural yoghurt.

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