Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – 7 Natural Remedies

When we are diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome, we can support the treatment with natural remedies that will help relieve pain and discomfort associated with the disease. 
Carpal tunnel syndrome - 7 natural remedies

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a medical condition that affects the median nerve of the wrist and interferes with the proper functioning of the hand and the entire arm.

When carpal tunnel syndrome and inflammation appear in an area, it has a number of consequences: pain, difficulty moving the hand, weakness and tingling.

Carpal tunnel syndrome – 7 natural remedies

1. Arnica gel

One of the most effective remedies for carpal tunnel syndrome is arnica. Arnica gel is great for topical application to the inflamed area. The yellow flower of arnica has a number of anti-inflammatory properties.

Yellow ointment for carpal tunnel syndrome

Therefore, gels and oils from this plant will be useful in the fight against injuries and inflammation.

Arnica is a popular medicine among athletes looking for alternatives to conventional anti-inflammatory drugs. There are a number of remedies based on this plant: tinctures, gels, oils and food products.

2. Turmeric, pepper and olive oil

The combination of turmeric, black pepper and olive oil is a popular remedy for inflammation. It also has analgesic properties. You can apply the mixture both topically and consume it as a medicine.

Here is a recipe for an anti-inflammatory remedy.


  • 3 tablespoons of turmeric powder (30 g)
  • 3 teaspoons of black pepper powder (15 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (30 ml)

  • When consumed orally, it is sufficient to take a tablespoon of remedy half an hour before each meal.
  • If you prefer to apply the mixture topically – apply it on the wrist as an anti-inflammatory lotion. 
  • 3. Clay for carpal tunnel syndrome

    Clay is one of the oldest methods of alleviating any inflammation. Importantly, it is also easy to use in the case of carpal tunnel syndrome. However, remember not to use plastic or metal utensils for storage.

    Clay exhibits anti-inflammatory and remineralizing properties. In addition, it helps reduce pain and provides a whole host of nutrients that facilitate tissue regeneration.

    It should be prepared in porcelain, enamel, wood or glass dishes.

    4. Carpal tunnel syndrome and avocado oil

    Avocados exhibit a number of healing properties, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and moisturizing properties. All thanks to the high content of vitamins and nutrients.

    Avocado oil

    As we are well aware, we can add avocados to our diet. Interestingly, it is also possible to use an avocado topically. For example, for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome.

    Often, avocado oil is used to nourish skin and hair.

    5. Aloe gel

    Aloe vera can be said to be a remedy for everything. At least for all the problems of our body!

    • First of all, you can use aloe vera gel by combining it with other remedies described in this article: arnica or avocado oil. This way, you will increase your chance of good health and winning the fight against carpal tunnel syndrome.
    • Importantly, you can extract the gel from the plant yourself, or simply buy it in a store with natural products.

    6. Chamomile compress for carpal tunnel syndrome

    At home, it is also worth preparing a chamomile compress, which is usually found in every pantry. This plant has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. 

    You only need to prepare a concentrated chamomile infusion and apply it to the affected area. Use a compress or gauze for this.

    An interesting solution is to use chamomile oil by combining it with aloe or avocado oil. 

    7. Cabbage wraps

    This is the way our grandmothers and great-grandmothers told us about. Most importantly, it is home-made, natural and very economical.

    All we need are cabbage leaves, which have remarkable anti-inflammatory properties.

    Since ancient times, cabbage has been used as a pain reliever and as an infection remedy.

    What should i do?

    • First, scald the cabbage leaves with boiling water. Then hold them under water for a few seconds and crush them to release the nutrients.
    • Apply the leaves around the wrist.
    • Wrap them in gauze or other porous fabric that will absorb excess moisture.
    • Leave it for half an hour. 
    • Importantly, you can repeat the procedure two or three times a day until complete recovery.

    Carpal tunnel syndrome is a compression neuropathies. This means that mechanical pressure is responsible for the adverse changes in the nerve. There can be many reasons, so it is worth  consulting a specialist.

    In any case, you can reach for the remedies described above that will help you regain health and a functional hand.

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