Salt – Do You Know Which Types Are The Healthiest?

Salt is the most useful product all over the world; it is used both in homes and in professional kitchens. Therefore, it is important to know the different types and which one is the healthiest.
Salt - do you know which types of salt are the healthiest?

In the culinary world, salt has always been an indispensable element in the preparation of various dishes. It is probably the most useful product in homes and professional kitchens, and even around the world. Therefore, it is important to know the different types and know which salt is the healthiest.

Types of salt we can find

1. Plain table salt

It is  most commonly used and its main ingredient is sodium chloride. It is created as a result of a chemical process carried out at an industrial level.

Salt cellar

During its preparation, other minerals such as iodine and fluorine as well as other additives and preservatives are usually added. Table salt is the best seasoning for balancing flavors while cooking.

2. Unrefined sea salt

It is obtained through natural processes such as salt evaporation. It consists of chlorine, sodium, iodine, fluorine and other additives. Just like regular salt, sodium chloride is the staple ingredient. It has a grayish color and gives the dishes a more intense flavor than the usual kitchen variety.

Unrefined salt.

It is much healthier to use in the kitchen than regular table salt. However, it is more expensive because it is not so common. However, more important than understanding which of the two salts is the healthiest is to use the correct amount in your recipes.

3. (Salt flower, or Fleur de sel)

This type of salt comes from the top tier of sea salt mines. Traditional craftsmanship is used to extract it from the Atlantic and Mediterranean Oceans.

It is mainly used in gourmet recipes due to its excellent gastronomic properties.

Salt flower.

It is hypotonic, meaning consuming it will not cause water retention. If you compare it with other salts, it is low in sodium (15%) and sodium chloride (only 92.9%). In terms of taste, it is not as intense as other salts because it dissolves easily in the mouth ..

4. Himalayan salt

This variety comes mainly from: Pakistan and Latin America, not the Himalayas. It has been highly publicized as it contains many essential nutrients (84), minerals, and trace elements.

Himalayan salt.

Types of salt – which is the healthiest?

Each type has some marketing strategy that suggests they are the healthiest, most natural, and purest. The following recommendations can make your selection process more practical:

  • Each type contains sodium chloride as an essential element, therefore no salt should be consumed in large amounts.
  • It is not necessary to add salt to your food as sodium is found in many foods.
  • It is mainly used because it adds flavor to food, not because of its possible health benefits.
  • The most nutritious salts are those obtained directly by natural methods. For example, rock and mineral salts.
  • Marketing strategies make the natural variety more expensive. It is clear that economic interests rule the natural world. For this reason, it is difficult to tell if a natural product is really worth the money or if it is just a marketing scheme.

Salt – What About Consumption?

Bottom line: the problem is not salt, but the way we eat it and how much we use it. It is important not to overuse salt as it is dangerous to your health. Excessive consumption causes cardiovascular problems, kidney failure, stomach disease, osteoporosis, etc.

Therefore, it is important to know what types of salt and what alternatives can replace it. This way you can choose which one is best for each situation and which is the most dangerous. Remember that spices and aromatic herbs can be great alternatives.

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