7 Natural Treatments For Psoriasis

In addition to the use of natural remedies, in the case of psoriasis, the ability to control stress also plays a huge role – it is one of the main culprits of unsightly skin lesions.
Treatment of psoriasis - 7 home remedies

Everyone of us has certainly heard that the treatment of psoriasis is a long and complicated process. It is a chronic dermatological disease with which it is very difficult to finally deal with it, as it is characterized, among other things, by frequent and intense relapses. Psoriasis also tends to worsen with age.

There are many factors that cause psoriatic skin lesions. In most cases, it is most often one of the dietary components (which our body cannot tolerate and is unable to assimilate), frequent and severe stress or a sudden change in the climatic zone or simply the weather.

Meet with us today the seven most effective natural remedies that effectively accelerate the treatment of psoriasis . Some of them also help to prevent unpleasant skin changes. However, remember that treating this chronic disease requires regularity and patience. You usually have to wait a while for the first positive results.

Treatment of psoriasis depends on the underlying cause

If you want to combat psoriasis with natural methods (without taking medications that are harmful to the body), first you should learn about the basic factors that affect the development of this disease or may contribute to the aggravation of its symptoms.

The development of psoriasis – just like the underlying causes of all other diseases – is greatly influenced by our daily diet and lifestyle. Excessive stress and everyday stress can have a severe impact on the condition of the skin. You should also avoid harmful habits, such as smoking or alcohol abuse, and take care of regular physical activity.

Let’s take a closer look at the individual factors.

A healthy and balanced diet

Give up milk

Both the right foods and the way you eat them gradually relieve the symptoms of psoriasis and help to stop the progression of the disease naturally. What changes should be made in the diet to have a positive effect on the condition and health of the skin?

  • Increase your consumption of fresh, unprocessed foods (fruits, vegetables, legumes, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, etc.).
  • Avoid products that contain white, refined flour .
  • Replace refined sugar with natural sweeteners such as stevia, honey, coconut sugar, etc.).
  • Minimize the consumption of ready-made meals, deep-fried products and canned food.
  • Give up eating dairy and dairy products.

A healthy nervous system and stress control

All kinds of nervous disorders, such as anxiety, fear or severe stress, have a greater impact on the condition of our skin than we think. It is this destructive emotional state that usually manifests as rash, inflammation, itching …

So if we want to keep the nervous system healthy and at the same time prevent the occurrence of unpleasant and unsightly skin changes, we should definitely learn to control our nerves and use natural relaxation techniques on a regular basis. You can soothe your nerves and bring your body back into balance in many different ways:

  • By doing physical activity at least two or three times a week. Yoga, jogging, cycling, swimming are fantastic in this case … In general, any type of activity brings benefits, which will allow you to forget about problems and soothe your shattered nerves.
  • Paying attention to sleep hygiene. Take care of your bedroom – ventilate it before going to sleep, remove the TV and all other electronic devices from it. Light a candle with the calming aroma of lavender. Sleep at least 7-8 hours a night.
  • By applying Bach flower therapy. It will help soothe shattered nerves.
  • Regularly drinking calming herbs, such as lemon balm, passion fruit and lime infusions.
  • Thinking positively and looking at life with optimism.
  • Finding time for myself every day (to read, walk, meditate …).

Home treatments for psoriasis

1. Clay and cucumber wrap

Clay is a very valuable natural remedy that helps fight psoriasis for three reasons:

  • It helps soothe inflammation and skin irritation
  • It has the ability to absorb toxins found in epidermal cells and stimulate their removal from the body.
  • It provides the cells of the epidermis with many valuable minerals.
Cucumber slices

It should be noted, however, that the clay itself can excessively dry the skin. Therefore, it is recommended to use it always in the company of other products with a strong moisturizing effect. For the treatment of psoriasis, cucumber turns out to be an excellent solution, as it can successfully replace water.

By mixing clay with green cucumber juice, we get a healing paste that will perfectly moisturize the skin affected by psoriasis and refresh it, soothe itching and bring almost immediate relief. Apply the clay and cucumber mixture directly to the skin as a compress.

2. A bath with a licorice aroma

Licorice root has an effect similar to that of cortisone. Its great advantage, however, is that it is a natural product that does not bring our body any undesirable side effects.

How can licorice root help treat psoriasis? Well, it works perfectly as an addition to a warm, therapeutic bath. Fill the tub with warm water and throw a large piece of licorice root into it. Then immerse the whole body in the prepared infusion.

This method of treating psoriasis is especially recommended for people whose skin lesions have spread to different areas of the body. During a therapeutic bath, it is easier to care for all infected areas of the skin.

3. Sea water

Sea water is one of the simplest and most accessible natural products for treating all kinds of skin lesions, including psoriasis. It is characterized by a high content of substances with antiseptic and alkalizing properties, which have a fantastic effect on the health and appearance of our skin.

A glass of sea water

If you live far from the sea, stock up on seawater sold in health food stores. However, whenever possible, make excursions to the beach and enjoy the sea water as much as you want.

You can also fill a few bottles with it and take it home – you’ll be able to do sea skin wraps whenever necessary.

4. Healing carrot compress

Carrots are a plant with a very high content of antioxidants valuable for health, which perfectly supports the treatment of psoriasis and all kinds of other dermatological problems.

How to prepare a carrot wrap?
  • Grate the carrots on a fine-mesh grater. Then put it on a piece of gauze and wrap it to form a poultice the size of your psoriatic skin lesions. Put the compress on the skin and leave it for several minutes.
  • Remember that natural healing methods do not bring immediate results in most cases. Usually you have to wait a while for the effects. However, if you use carrots regularly, you will gradually start to notice an improvement in the appearance of your skin.
  • Do not give up using carrot compresses when you notice the first effects. This should be done only after the skin lesions have completely cleared. Then we will minimize the likelihood of relapse.

5. Oral and topical aloe vera gel

If your skin is often irritated, rashes, eczema or psoriasis, you should definitely get an aloe vera plant. The transparent gel contained in its fleshy leaves has a great effect on digestion and naturally improves the functions of the intestines.

Remember that the intestines are an organ whose work has a direct impact on the appearance of our skin. When we are constipated and we do not regularly remove unnecessary metabolic products, those – remaining in the intestines – begin to produce toxins that enter all cells of the body, including the epidermis, with the blood.

Fresh aloe gel

So try to drink fresh aloe vera juice regularly (for example two or more times a week). What’s more, aloe vera gel can also be used topically. By applying it directly to the skin lesions, you will soothe irritation and itching, deeply moisturize the epidermis and accelerate the regeneration of damaged skin cells.

6. Linseed oil

The essential omega-3 fatty acids contained in linseed oil have a very positive effect on the health and appearance of the skin. Moreover, these valuable nutrients greatly accelerate the healing of psoriasis, as they nourish the epidermis from within.

Regular consumption of linseed oil results in an improvement in the appearance of the skin fragment affected by psoriasis, relieving itching, alleviating irritation and deeply moisturizing the epidermis cells.

Linseed oil can be consumed in two ways: in the form of ground flax seed oil or in the form of a dietary supplement (in the form of capsules). Remember, however, that linseed oil oxidizes quickly, so it should be consumed immediately after opening the bottle.

7. Oils: coconut and geranium

Organic virgin coconut oil is a huge source of valuable fats that naturally fight psoriasis and all kinds of other skin lesions.

Coconut oil

If we combine coconut oil with geranium oil, we get an extremely effective natural remedy that fantastically refreshes the skin, stimulates the regeneration of skin cells and effectively soothes inflammation of the epidermis.

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